
Travel from home to work, annual plan for companies with over 100 employees

With the definition of the role and skills of the mobility manager, and with the allocation of 50 million euros of state contributions in the Sostegni Bis, the goal of sustainable mobility achieved through the collaboration of businesses, public administrations and schools begins to materialize. .

On May 26, the Ministerial Decree of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Infrastructures of May 12, 2021 was published in the Official Gazette, which governed the role and skills of the mandatory Mobility Manager for companies with more than 100 employees and for the PA and which represents the first of the measures implementing the provisions on sustainable mobility rewritten by the Relaunch decree (article 229, paragraph 4. Legislative Decree 34/2020).

In reality, the provision is not entirely new, as it is already contained in the Ministerial Decree of the Environment of March 27, 1998, although with different rules, less binding and lacking any implementing provisions.

The objective, although strengthened, always remains to favor a structural and permanent reduction of the environmental impact deriving from the traffic of individual private vehicles, through the use of alternative collective transport systems, shared and with a reduced environmental impact deriving from vehicle traffic. private individuals through the use of alternative shared collective transport systems with a reduced environmental impact (for example, car or bike sharing, car pooling, scooter sharing, etc.)

With regard to the required size requirement of the 100 employees, the recent decree specifies that the personnel of another company employed daily at the company obliged to draw up the plan must also be counted, by virtue of a contract, command, secondment or other ( for example, in case of administration).

The decree of 12 May institutionalized the figures of the company mobility manager within companies and public administration and the area mobility manager in the municipalities.

The company mobility manager, subject with high skills and proven experience in the transport and sustainable mobility sector, has the function of continuous professional support for the decision-making, planning, management of sustainable mobility solutions, also with reference to the adoption, adaptation and verification of the "Home-work travel plan" (so-called PSCL).

The area mobility manager is instead appointed by the Municipality with the function of liaison between the company managers of the territory, as the PSCL must be transmitted to the Municipality, which, in agreement with the individual companies, can define changes for a better implementation of same floors.

A subsequent decree, to be adopted in the next 90 days, will define the guidelines for the drafting of the Pslc. The recent provision anticipates that the plan, in defining the mobility measures to be adopted, must specify the relative benefits on the company side (productivity), the employee side (cost reduction) and for the community (in environmental / economic terms). In this first phase of implementation, the Pslc will be adopted within 180 days, ie by next November 23rd.

3/6/2021 - Fonte Il Sole 24 Ore del 03/06/21