
Partnership between Eagle Etsp and local public transport companies

In every urban area there are thousands of employees and workers who move around causing daily traffic congestion. Many still use the car to get to work, even if they would gladly give it up because it is risky and they often fall victim to city traffic. But it is equally true that many workplaces are located in suburban neighborhoods that are not sufficiently covered by public services.

The prospect of taking a train or subway and then finding yourself outside the station not knowing how to get to work, especially in winter, discourages many commuters from leaving their car at home. For this reason, Eagle Etsp aims to forge partnerships with local public transport companies to ensure the micro-mobility option for the last mile journey.

The commercial proposal is particularly advantageous for LPT operators because it increases the value of the service they offer with the integration of the Eagle Etsp APIs within their Apps. In this way, the user with just one click can purchase a train, metro or bus ticket + a pass for a scooter or electric bike.

Therefore, it is not surprising that something is changing in the market of sharing Micromobility services, and Eagle Etsp is the architect of this change because it is the first company in Italy to offer a specialized sharing micromobility service dedicated to the last mile . T

Today shared vehicles have become the emblem of short-range, agile and ecological urban mobility. This travel solution responds well to the new collective sensitivity linked to environmental protection and the complementarity with LPT allows us to give a useful answer to the journey of the last mile.


Micromobility and public transport: the importance of park and ride parking

To further encourage this form of latest generation urban mobility, however, it is necessary to create more and more dedicated infrastructures, such as cycle paths and interchange parking lots, to adapt cities to new lifestyles in terms of green travel.

What are interchange car parks? They are rest areas connected to access points to the public transport system such as train stations, metro stations or bus stops which allow travellers to leave their parked car to continue their journey by public transport or shared vehicles. They therefore have a central role in the concept of multimodal mobility. With the transformation of mobility habits, the first parking areas are appearing in cities not only for cars but also for shared vehicles, such as scooters and electric bicycles.


The Eagle Etsp offer for the last mile to companies with more than 100 employees

Today, the mobility management of companies with over one hundred employees must evaluate the state of the art of overall company mobility and propose new strategies to encourage more sustainable solutions in the home-work commute plan with alternative means to the private car or traditional motor shuttles . Therefore, even a public transport pass that includes the micromobility option is a valid solution to facilitate access to the company for your employees.

The shared scooters and electric bikes available to company employees to travel the last mile, especially if the company is based in the suburbs or in an industrial area, cannot be the same vehicles that we see today scattered in the urban center which are intended to serve the movements of residents and visitors. This is why more and more companies are turning to Eagle Etsp: which has created a tailor-made micro-mobility service for the last mile.

The rental agreement for scooters and electric bikes proposed to companies provides for a long-term duration and the supply of:

- App to interact with vehicles H24;

- Digital platform to monitor the state of use of the vehicles;

- R.C. insurance to cover damages caused by the circulation of vehicles;

- Assistance for the use of vehicles;

- Maintenance and repair of vehicles;

- Delivery and installation of the vehicles in the places indicated by the lessee.

For further information:


16/1/2023 - Redazione Eagle Etsp