The "intermodal urban cycle routes" operation begins, i.e. to create urban cycle paths closely connected to the integrated use of local road and rail transport provided for by law 179/2022 in order to promote the use of mobility vehicles " sweet” in connection with the Tpl service in the cities. The Mit-Mef decree has just been published on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure - with the related notice - also starting the various deadlines linked to the opportunity. The opportunity is open to everyone: municipalities, metropolitan cities and unions of municipalities, provided however that "a planning tool has been definitively approved which shows the body's desire to proceed with the strategic development of the urban cycle network" .
Metropolitan cities and municipalities with over 100 thousand inhabitants are required to adopt the PUMS, the sustainable urban mobility plan. For municipalities with over 100 thousand inhabitants within the metropolitan areas and the capital municipalities of metropolitan cities, this condition "is considered fulfilled if the urban sustainable mobility plan of the metropolitan city has been adopted". Local authorities have until April 22nd to apply for funding for their respective project proposals. The decree specifies that the newly built cycle paths (as defined in article 2, paragraph 2, of law 11 January 2018, n.2) and the various «support infrastructures in connection with local public transport networks and railway".
To apply for financing you need at least an approved Pfte, whoever already has the executive will have a priority financing channel. The local authority which has a "density" of cycle paths lower than the national average (23.4 km per 110 km2) also rises in the ranking. An important condition for obtaining the resources is the completion of the intervention no later than 31 December 2026. The total cost of the individual project must be between 500 thousand euros and one million euros. If the cost goes beyond one million euros, the municipality must guarantee coverage of all the additional money needed. The duly completed applications must be sent to the certified email address by April 22nd.
Source NT Local Authorities dated 02/03/24